Students : Helps to increase memory power and concentrate on
studies, remove fear of exams and studies, increase capabilities.
Service men / women : Helps to remove the mental and by that
physical stress for the burden of huge work pressure. Helps to grow
work efficiency, helps to keep mind relaxed even in highly
challenging environment, helps to keep mind cool and by that
increase right decision making capabilities, helps to increase
adjustablity in highly professional and even negative environment,
helps to manage professional teamwork relationship bondage, helps to
create and manage good professional relationship with other
colleagues, managers and teamworkers. It helps to make you
successful on your mission..
Sales & Marketing persons : It helps to adjust yourself
to the target oriented highly professional sales & marketing
job, where work pressure and achieving target or failures are common
affairs. GoDivine innerself Spiritual engineering motivates you
constantly by which you may set and fix your next and future
strategies in further new way to achieve success. It helps to set
your mind in balanced condition with a strategic foresight so that
you may be capable of transforming your failures to success in
next course of action. It inspires you to perform your jobs &
duties properly with a dedication and make you successful in life.
Businessmen : Success and failures are very common in
business. Sometimes you get profit and sometime loss !! It's a part
of the game. It may come one after another. But the problem is, to
accept loss & failures in business ...as common affair.
sometimes loss goes on for a long time ...pressure of Bank loan
re-payment, creditors call, suppliers phone for payment, employees
salary, low demand and product circulation, slow payment recovery
from the market make you more restless and the situation become more
painful. GoDivine - innerself Spiritual engineering helps you
to make yourself cool in this strained situation to take right
decision and right action to recover your business health. It also
help you to maintain consistancy in the running of a business
through adjusting your mind and outlook through your own action and
Housewives / Homemakers : It helps to reduce stress, anxiety,
depression and pain if any. It also helps to improve mood, mental
well-being and by that physical well-being too. It may improve sleep
and cognitive skills. It further helps housewives relax and
recharge. It also help her to develop and enhance cooperativeness
and relationships with her family and friends. It helps to
find joy in her daily routine. Just required a little break from her
daily busy routine and spend some time with GoDivine - innerself
Spiritual engineering to renew herself.
doctors : Disease > Doctors >Diagnosis > Recovery is
the single platform from reason to recovery in medical system where
Doctors play the key roll for treating a patient. But just imagine
if doctors remain unfit then how they will run their treatment
process ? A doctor remains an everyday's doctor for everyday's
patients. He/she has to treat patient everyday on routine even often
with a lot of mental or physical pressure and even sacrificing their
own leasure, relax and entertainment. A small mistake of a medical
sergeon may takes away the life of the patient... ...a small mistake
of a doctor in prescribing medicines may create the huge problem for
the patient. So doctors are required to be fit always. Their mental
and physicial health should be fit. GoDivine - innerself Spiritual
engineering help to do that. It helps to lower anxiety, stress and
depression. It improves sleep faster, sleep longer and wake up more
refreshed and by that it improves overall mental and physical
health. It helps to cope up with the Demand and pressure of the
lawyers : GoDivine - innerself Spiritual engineering helps to
improve cognitive functions such as memory, attention, and
creativity. Lawyers can be benefitted from these enhanced cognitive
abilities when analyzing complex legal issues, formulating
arguments, and developing innovative legal strategies. It helps
further to develop a deeper understanding of their clients,
colleagues, and opposing parties. This can enhance their ability to
communicate effectively, negotiate, and build stronger professional
relationships. By approaching legal problems with clarity and
equanimity, lawyers can arrive at more reasoned and rational
retired people : It helps retired men and women to have
better Stress reduction, Improved mental well-being, Emotional
balance, Better sleep, Physical and mental health benefits,
Increased self-awareness, Social connection, Mindfulness and
enjoyment of the present moment.
old and isolated people living or staying alone : The first
and foremost thing that GoDivine - innerness engineering gives you
is a feeling that you are not alone anymore. 'I'm with you' every
now and then all time. This may be the inaudible voice or assurance
from the invisible Divine being. You may not understand this
initially but with your dedication, surrender and practice for few
days, you may realize it gradually and it gives you a divine
pleasure and Self-happiness in your mind and remove all past trauma,
unhappiness and present loneliness. Hopefully with this your
physical and mental health may be improved gradually too.
those suffering from depression : Depression may be a
mood disorder with a continuous feeling of sadness and frustration,
remaining always miserable and unhappy, sometimes sudden angry
outburst, loss of interest in common normal activities, problems in
sleeping, anxiety, fatigue, loss of appetite, emotional and physical
problems, reluctance in social activities social mixing social
relationship ... ... ...and sometimes with a severity of this mood
disorder things may be worsened and person start thinking of
extremely lonely and feel it's not worth of living anymore ... and
by that finally to proceed for suicide ... ... Sometimes it's
seen that behind the generation of depression some incidents take
place like Loss of Love, getting unsuccess in desired matter, utmost
fear for happening something, getting of a sudden mental blow or
hurt etc. GoDivine - innermost engineering in this case
may be capable of giving you a divine pleasure ... ...an innermost
pleasure by creating a path for connecting with the invisible
Divine being. By that GoDivine helps you to come out gradually from
depression and may gift you a happy normal life again.
those staying in hostile environment and surrounding :
GoDivine - innerself Spiritual engineering is a Spiritual meditative
technique that may help you to adjust with a hostile environment by
reducing your stress, anxiety, anger, sorrows and other negative
emotions. Staying in a hostile environment can often cause a
setback ... often cause you to doubt about yourself, your abilities,
and your purpose. GoDivine - innerself Spiritual
engineering helps you to be persistent and to be more confident in
yourself and not to give up your goals, your values because of
a hostile environment. It may improve your mental and physical
health in various ways. It may give you a Divine pleasure and
happiness at deep core inside in yourself and may make you more
confident, fearless and enthusiastic.
a religious man / woman : GoDivine - innerself Spiritual
engineering may make a restless mind cool and helps you to get
connected to the Divine. This may give you a Divine pleasure and
happiness at the very deep core inside in yourself. It may change
your vision and your world. GoDivine - innerself Spiritual
engineering is not just a meditation but an art of Meditation.
... and many more for everyone who is interested for this wonderful
spiritual yoga ...an art of meditation ...
influences of GoDivine - innerself Spiritual engineering -
energy, Balanced and Joyful Mind, Rejuvenation, Youthfulness, Efficiency
and effectiveness on our day to day activities, keeps you energetic,
helps to remove sorrows to a great extent, bring inner peace and
happiness, restore external and internal beauty, Slow aging and
many more ...
